North Park began in 1922 and has a long history of service in Orlando and commitment to missions around the world. Today we are a Bible teaching, gospel people located in Baldwin Park of Orlando. As a church we are seeking to glorify God by helping people trust and follow Christ through worship, community, and mission.
At North Park we do this through the core values of:
- Gospel-Fueled Worship
- Gospel-Shaped Community
- Gospel-Advancing Mission.
The gospel is at the center of our values because it is the Good News of Jesus Christ. We believe the person and work of Jesus Christ is to be at the center of all we do. The gospel tranforms the life of the believer and completely reorients our life so that we properly relate to God and others. We become a people that love God leading us to worship from the heart. We love Christ's church leading us to share in Christian community. We love our neighbor and live on mission in the world God has placed us in.
It is our aim to be a catalyst for gospel transformation in Baldwin Park and Greater Orlando.
We want to see every neighbor transformed by the gospel that they may...
- Be Engaged in Gospel-Fueled Worship
- Be Encouraged through Gospel-Shaped Community
- Be Equipped for Gospel-Advancing Mission
We would love to help you discover how you can take your very first step or simply your next step in your spiritual journey. Join us this Sunday!
Sunday: Worship Service @ 11 a.m.
Life Groups @ 9:30 a.m.
When You Visit: When you arrive at the North Park campus you will be greeted by friendly people who want you to feel welcome and at ease. They will be able to direct you toward our worship center or give you information about a small group Bible study opportunity. If you need childcare they can also direct you to our children's ministry and childcare area where your child can be well cared. Our Sunday morning worship service is at 11 a.m. and our small groups begin at 9:30 a.m.
North Park is located at:
2047 Prospect Ave
Orlando, FL 32814
Phone: 321-972-5900