Coronavirus Prevention Update

Pastoral Update



Due to recent changes such as the closing of Orange County schools and a growing number of churches in our city not having in person services this weekend, we have decided to not have Sunday service, small groups, or meetings. This is ultimately out of an abudance of caution and care for those in our fellowship in a higher at risk category for the virus due to age or a compromised immune system. We want to love people well and be good neighbors. We want to do our part to "flatten the curve" of this virus. The plan for now is to meeting again March 22nd. However, stay tuned will take this week to week and update you next week. 

I will be hosting a short Bible study and prayer time online this Sunday. I'll give directions for that on Saturday. Since our President has asked for a National Day of Prayer I think we should honor that good request. I'll lead us online in prayer and I encourage you to gather with your family and pray for our city, state, nation, and world. We are in 21 days of prayer and next week we are to being to pray, "God transform our world." What a time to be praying this! 

Stay safe. More updates to come. 

In Christ, 

Pastor Josh


North Park family,

It has been a whirlwind of a week. As you know there is a growing concern over the Coronavirus (COVID-19). As a Christ-follower I'm confident that God is sovereign over all things, even viruses and pandemics. He calls us at all times to trust Him and not live in fear. He also calls us to walk in wisdom and to love our neighbors. In the days ahead we have an opportunity to live by faith not fear, walk in wisdom not foolishness, and to love our neighbors well. As we do this we can help point them to Christ in the midst of what is a fearful time for many. 

At Nort Park Church we take the health of our neighbors and our church family very seriously. We will continue to monitor the Coronavirus situation in our state. We will look for updates from our Governor and other officials in the days ahead. We will excercise caution and be good neighbors at this time. 

Our schedule will proceed as normal this Sunday. We will have small groups at 9:30 AM and worship at 10:45 AM. 

We do ask that we all take extra precautions as we gather. This is for our own good, the good of our neighbors, and our church family. 

Here are some steps we are taking in our services in the weeks ahead:

1. We will forgo our normal "meet and greet" time during the morning worship service. 

2. We ask for no handshaking, etc. as we greet one another as this will help cut down on potential virus transmission. We will also ask our greeters to greet with smiling faces and waves, not hand shakes and hugs at this time. 

3. We will not have coffee stations until further notice or any snacks avaiblable. You are welcome to bring your own coffee. We do ask that you do not bring snacks to share. 

4. During the next few weeks instead of passing the offering plate our ushers will hold them at the back of the room before and after the service. 

Ways we can help each other in the coming weeks:

1. Personal hygiene: Please regularly wash your hands for atleast 20 seconds with soap and water. Keep some hand sanitizer on you as well to use when needed. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow. Be mindful of spreading germs to others.

2. Please observe our normal childcare policies: If your child has had a fever in the last 24 hours, has an infected runny nose, has persistent coughing, diarrhea, is not feeling well, or has other signs of sickness, please do not place them in childcare. If a child is discovered with these symptoms while in childcare or Kid Church his/her parents will be notified so the child can be removed from childcare for their sake and the sake of the other children. 

3.  If you do not feel well, have a fever, virus symptoms, etc. ... we ask that you take proper precautions and stay home and get well. Please take care of yourself.

4. If you are someone in the higher at risk category for this virus due to age, compromised immune system, respiratory issues, etc. please let us know if we can serve you in the days ahead. Contanct the church office (, myself, or a deacon if you need help with groceries, errands, etc. You can reach the church office at 321.972.5900.

When we gather this Sunday, March 15, we will have a time of prayer for the concerns raised by this virus. We will pray for our nation, leaders, and the worldwide community that is dealing with this. We will also pray for our missionaries around the world.

Thank you for your care and caution. We hope to see you this Sunday as we faithfully worship King Jesus with wisdom.

In Christ,

Josh Malone, Pastor
North Park Church