Lead the Way this Easter

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Easter Sunday is only a few days away. I’m looking forward to gathering together at 7 AM and 11 AM to celebrate the resurrection and proclaim the greatest news that anyone can ever hear. I want to encourage you as you gather with us to be a leader this Easter.

Here is what I mean by being a leader this Easter. Those of us that gather ... we can be leaders in the room or by the lake by doing a few simple things to set the pace for our services ... 

This is important for a few reasons. It frees up space for those that come in late. It frees up spots for guests who may not be comfortable sitting in the front of a new room. You can be an example to others by being engaged in the front of the room helping to set the pace for how a believer should gather for worship on a Sunday. 

We should do this every Sunday! Sing and sing loudly. "But Pastor Josh I can’t sing well, so I’m afraid others will hear me." - Listen, if we will all just commit to singing out in the service no one will be able to tell which one of us is a bad singer. It will just be one loud "joyful noise." :) The NT actually instructs us to sing together ... it glorifies God and it blesses those around you. It’s never been about your voice. It’s about your heart, expressing itself in song, to the glory of God. Sing loudly.

Be present. Be engaged. Pay attention. Be an active listener. Feel free to express your engagement in the service. For example ... it’s OK to clap after a song that expresses a great truth. It’s OK to say AMEN to something you agree with from the music or the teaching of God’s Word. Sunday is not a seminar. It is a worship experience. Feel free to fully engage with the music and the sermon, even in expressive ways. 

Long time North Park member Dr. Bob Kersten is known for saying ... "Keep smiling." That’s great advice for Easter too! Smile, greet, let guests know you are glad they chose gather with us this Easter. 

I was inpsired to write this brief emil/post when I saw this tweet from Pastor Josh Howerton, "One of the best things you can do for your church this Easter is to sit in the front middle of the room, worship passionately, and respond to your pastor’s preaching. 10 people like that can change the atmosphere of a whole room, lift hearts heavenward."

To that I say, Amen. Imagine a room full of those kind of people. We might have to play paper, rock, scissors for the front seats! 

Pray for our services this weekend and then let’s show up and impact the atmosphere of the gathering by our attitude in the gathering. Help lead the way this Easter and influence the atmosphere of the services by ...  Sitting toward the front, singing loudly, fully engaging, and joyfully welcoming guests. 

I hope to see you this Sunday! 

Josh Malone, Pastor
North Park Church